FPPT: Law Of Gravity. How Does It Work?

Every time you drop your phone or the last piece of cake on the floor you’re witnessing the force of gravity at work. We’ve all witnessed gravity in action but how often have we taken the time out to wonder how does it all work?

How Does Gravity Work?

Before we answer how gravity works lets think about what it is. It is said that Isaac Newton had an apple drop on his head and he began wondering what was it that caused the apple to fall to the ground rather than float off into the sky. He theorized that there was a force acting upon the apple that caused it to be pulled towards the Earth. He called this force gravity. He defined this force as something that works on all objects while attracting all other objects around it.

It was in his Theory of Universal Gravitation published in the 1680’s that he formulated a theorem for the force. He deduced that this gravitational force must be a subject of mass and distance. It acts across all matter in the universe.

The official theory of Gravitation states that – “Objects will attract each other with a force which relies proportionally on the mass of the two objects and inversely to the square of the distance between them ”

The Formula For The Gravitational Force

Gravitational Force = (G * Mass of object 1 * mass of object 2)/ (distance between the objects)^2

Where G is the gravitational constant as defined by Newton. G has a value of 6.67 * 10E-8Dyne * cm^2/gm^2.

You can buy dissertation online about the whole gravity topic where we go in-depth about how gravity works.

Can You Create Gravity Around A Certain Object?

In a sense, all objects big or small already have a gravitational force working upon them and their gravitational force is pulling other objects towards it.

Since gravitational force is a subject of mass smaller objects have a smaller gravitational force to pull other objects towards them.

Now if you’re wondering if you can create artificial gravity around a certain object that is theoretically possible. However, such experiments would be near improbable and extremely dangerous and expensive to pull off:

Since gravity is also dependent on the mass of objects it is possible to create artificial gravity around an object by increasing its mass by several thousand multiples. You could do this by rotating it, heating it, or even adding a high electrical charge to it.

However, the energy you could expand to increase the mass-energy of an object by even .01% would be more than that used in the nuclear bombs used in Hiroshima.

Another reason why it isn’t viable to create gravity around an object is that for every ounce of energy you put in, the same amount would be trying to escape the object. Even if you were able to somehow capture the energy into the object, the increase in its gravitational forces would be multifold. You’d be dragged closer to the object with a strong force. Enough to cause grievous harm to your body. You can buy dissertation online to know more about how to create artificial gravity around an object.

What Is Plasma and What Is It Used For?

Plasma is considered the fourth state of the matter, others are solids, liquids, and gases. It was first defined by, an American chemist and physicist, Mr. Irving Langmuir, 1920.

Basically, plasma can be artificially made by heating a neutral gas till the time its electrons get sufficient energy to move away from the nuclei which are positively charged. As the molecular bond between them gets break and atoms either lose or gain electrons, ions get formed. Plasma can be made by using any artificial method like in any strong electromagnetic field, a microwave generator, or laser.

Although you would have not heard much about plasma if you are not from the science background, in the universe, it is the most common established state of the matter and very general on Earth.

Plasma Is Made of?

It is made of positively charged ions and free electrons.

Learn the basics about plasma – the fourth state of matter, when learning about properties of matter.

What Is It Used For?

Plasma is basically used in fluorescent lights, television, and in neon signs. When lightning happens in the sky, stars get flashed sometimes, when aurora happen and also when you see fire, and certain flames at the higher level, all these consist plasma.

Where And How Can I Find Plasma?

You see plasma very often in your daily routine. Like everyday sources of plasma are the lightning, neon signs, fire, and the most important sun. And some crucial sites include weapons and nuclear reactors.

What are the properties of Plasma?

Plasma is being produced by heating; it is the highest state of matter. It is the collection of neutral particles, positive ions, and free-moving electrons. It has no volume and shape, can be related to gas, but is different in many ways:

• It has an electrical conductivity at very high level.

• When ions and electrons move in plasma, they produce their own magnetic and electric field.

• They need the continuous supply of energy, to produce and maintenance of their high energetic state that exists in plasma.

• Because of the highly energetic state of the particles within the plasma, they produce their own electromagnetic radiations.

What Are The Applications Of Plasma?

1. Fusion

2. Propulsion in Space

3. Photolithography

4. Plasma processing

5. Hypersonic flight

6. Understanding the astrophysical phenomena

What Is It Called When We Study Plasma?

When we study the properties of plasma i.e. what is it, how it is made, where it can be used, does it happen naturally or can we also produce it artificially, and other important factors of plasma, it is called the Plasma Physics, i.e. study of plasma.

Plasma Physics provides us with various mechanisms and help us to define the definitive states or definitions of plasma in a much elaborative way.

Plasma many a times occur naturally but it is also made artificially to be used for various purposes as mentioned above. Knowingly or unknowingly, plasma has become the part of our life, although if you ask somebody, they won’t be able to define it, but, if you give example, they’ll understand it immediately without wasting much time.